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To accompany draperies and blackouts, offer a measure of privacy while also allowing natural light to filter in, County provides sheers in Batiste or Voile fabrics as well as COM.

Sheer Specifications

French ( Pinch ) Pleat: Triple fold, straight needled and bar tacked approximately ½” from bottom of buckram using monofilament thread.
Ripplefold and Accordia-fold: Straight needled with nylon snap tape.

French (Pinch) Pleat – 200%, 250% and 300%
(for example: 100” wide at 200% fullness = 200” of material)
Ripplefold – 60%, 80%, 100% and 120%
(for example: 100” wide at 60% fullness = 160” of material)
Accordia-fold – 40%, 80%, 100% and 120%
(for example: 100” wide at 40% fullness = 140” of material)

Overlaps: Standard 3 ½”

Returns: As specified

Heading: 4” washable buckram on French Pleats

Seams: Over-locked using 100% cotton thread

Bottom Hems: 4” double fold with straight blind stitching using 100% cotton thread.
Optional ¼”Rolled Hem over a beaded chain weight is available upon request.

Side Hems: Blind-stitched 1 ½” double turned using 100% cotton thread.

Corners: Sewn closed at the bottom hems on a Bonis machine.

Weights: A ¾” square covered weight is sewn at each seam and corner.

Fan Fold: Draperies are packed fan folded.
Creasing in shipment is unavoidable and steaming may be required.

Pin Hooks: On French Pleats hooks are permanent, adjustable and dry cleanable.

Fire Retardant: All County provided materials meet NFPA 701 Fire Retardance Code

Fabrication Option: Drapery is fabricated to size specified minus ½” to 1” for floor clearance.

Drapery Styles


French Pleat (or Pinch Pleat)

Pinch Pleated draperies have been the most popular style for decades due to their versatility, dramatic effect on a room’s décor and their superior insulation value which is a result of the additional fabric within the treatment.

The look is elegant but the formal style allows for a variety of fullnesses. The gathered series of pleats creates a ruffled appearance at the triple-pleated header and wide folds when the draperies are closed. They are weighted at the bottom seams and corners to ensure even, smooth pleating and a clean, crisp appearance.

• Most popular pinch-pleated draperies
• Attach to slide carriers with slip-in or pin-on hooks
• Can be used with most track systems
• Headings can be suspended under the track or over the face of it
• Can be tied back for effect



The Accordia-fold drapery system consists of flat hemmed fabric panels with nylon snap-tape on the headings which are pleated with a single fold on the front and back to hang with precise accordion-like pleats and minimum stackback.

The fabric is fold-pleated front and back rather than pinch pleated on the front only. Therefore, the finished draperies have the same tailored appearance in the front and back. These draperies have twice as many pleats but no pinch pleating.

Draperies are attached to the carriers with snaps rather than hooks. The snap tape, which is sewn to the panel headings, comes in several width options ( 7 ½”, 8 ½” and 10”) . The finished drapery panels are attached to the track by simply joining the snaps on the tape with the snaps on the carriers.
• Snap tape sewn to heading controls drapery fullness and pleat depth
• Headings are suspended under track
• Recommended for tight areas where minimum stackback space is required
• Ideal for narrow windows or window walls
• Note: When drapery pins can cause a safety hazard, use snap systems Accordia-fold or Ripplefold


​​Other advantages of this style include:

Low maintenance – The speed and ease of snapping panels into place reduces installation and maintenance time and expense. When taken off the track for cleaning, Ripplefold draperies are perfectly flat. Cleaning and pressing are simpler and less expensive. When panels are snapped back onto the carriers the draperies fall into graceful uniform folds.
Depending on fullness, Ripplefold draperies may require less fabric per panel than pinch pleated draperies.
Wider window exposure because the fabric stacks back tighter to the track ends than pinch pleated drapes allowing more light into the room.
Note: Not all fabrics work well in the Ripplefold style. For best apearance, the drapery fabric should be compatible with the heading system. Contact factory to confirm suitability of material.
• Draperies have uniform ripple-like appearance inside and outside
• Spaced carriers control drapery fullness
• Headings are suspended under the track
• No hooks or pins
• Recommended where draperies require frequent launderings such as hospitals and institutions
• Note: When drapery pins can cause a safety hazard, use snap systems Accordia-fold or Ripplefold


Soft, ripple-like folds flow smoothly from one end of the track to the other. Panels snap to carriers and folds are identically spaced, eliminating flat drapery areas. This also creates a consistent undulating appearance when seen inside the room or from the outside.



Established in 1978 as a custom drapery and bedspread company, County Draperies is still a family-run and woman-owned business. Through diligence, expertise, professionalism and concern for customer satisfaction, the company has grown to become a recognized leader in the hospitality industry, manufacturing all of our products in the USA.

64 Genung St., Middletown, NY 10940

(800) 453-7273

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